An estimated 12,000 offshore wind (OSW) turbines are in operation around the world. To date only minimal impacts have been reported, which can be mitigated. By contrast, OSW is one of the two main clean energy sources needed to prevent major ecosystem collapses, mass species extinctions, and food insecurity for billions of people. See Offshore Wind Benefits
•Primary entanglement risk: Current literature suggests that the risk of marine life becoming directly entangled with a floating offshore wind cable system (primary entanglement) is low; the mooring lines and cables have a large diameter and are sufficiently heavy which prevents them from looping and entangling marine life.
•Secondary entanglement risk: Marine debris, such as derelict fishing gear, may become snagged in floating offshore wind cable systems, which could potentially lead to the entanglement of marine life (secondary entanglement). There is insufficient information to evaluate secondary entanglement at this time.
•A broad range of marine life may be at risk of physically interacting with marine debris caught on floating OSW cable systems, including large migratory whale species (such as humpback and fin whales), fish species (such as whale sharks, basking sharks, and manta rays), sea turtles, seals, and diving seabirds, in part because of their feeding behaviors.
•Research is needed to develop more effective technologies for monitoring, detecting, and removing marine debris and derelict fishing gear snagged on floating offshore wind cable systems.
•Knowledge gaps related to marine life ecology are being addressed through ongoing research related to habitat preferences, migration patterns, and diving behaviors of marine life. This research will help inform future evaluations of entanglement risk.
•Foundations, anchors, and cables associated with offshore wind (OSW) energy development may alter the benthic environment during and after construction. Potential effects include alteration of habitat that displaces some invertebrate species, creation of new habitat that may increase invertebrate abundance and biodiversity, and physical and chemical changes to sediment structure.
•Most physical effects on benthic habitat are localized to the areas closest to OSW farm infrastructure and not spread throughout the entire wind farm area. Individual wind turbines occupy a small percentage of the total area of a wind farm, though the development of multiple wind farms would create more areas of change across a larger area.
•Benthic disturbance from displacement and suspension of seafloor sediment during construction tends to be temporary and recovery of the physical and biological conditions on the seafloor typically occurs within a few years.
•OSW foundations, anchors, exposed cables, and scour (or erosion) protection can alter the diversity and abundance of benthic organisms throughout the operational life of a wind farm. The components provide new hard substrate on the seafloor and in the water column that will favor some organisms over others, possibly leading to habitat conversion.
•The placement of new structures during offshore wind (OSW) farm construction can temporarily or permanently alter the habitat directly beneath and in the vicinity of fixed-bottom turbine foundations, depending on the foundation type, materials used, and sediment type.
•Artificial reef effects have been documented at OSW farms based on the observed attraction of certain fish and invertebrate species to the turbine structures which provide a combination of hard vertical and horizontal substrates.
•Floating OSW farms are still a relatively nascent technology and less is known about their potential effects on fish and shellfish. Based on the technology type, they may have less of a direct effect on fish species and habitats because of the limited vertical profile of the floating foundation and smaller footprint associated with mooring and anchoring.
•Monitoring for changes in the biological community at OSW farms should be driven by specific objectives and hypotheses. Effective monitoring practices for understanding potential changes in fish communities at OSW farms include implementation of the BACI approach (before-after/ control-impact) or the BAG approach (before-after gradient) and data collection from trawl, trap and habitat surveys, fish tagging, and other methods.
•Examples of best management practices include siting projects away from sensitive habitats and minimizing seafloor disturbance during construction of the facility and associated infrastructure. Structures have the potential to be beneficial if they are specifically designed to meet the life requirements of a target population or a habitat need.
Electromagnetic Field Effects on Marine Life