Check out our Rise Above Plastics Lead Trash Art Process!
From Beach Trash to a FUNctional handplane in Collaboration with Chad "Kaimanu" Jackson!
<3 Please watch in 1080p HD (under the gear icon in youtube) for best quality <3
Beach clean up Tart (Trash Art) project taken to the next level of FUNctionality!
The process of cleaning up trash off the beach, creating an up-cycled rainbow mosaic and then Chad "Kaimanu" Jackson transforming the trash into a FUNctional handplane using hemp cloth and bio based epoxy! Check out his eco board creations at

Special thanks to VISSLA and Surfrider Foundation for inspiring this collaboration for the #creatorscontest! Thank you Mike Roberts and Shane Clary for the amazing video and Bendalf for the groovy tunes! Thank you Chad Jackson for your incredible eco skills! Thank you Dylan Foster, Erik Evered, Kris Evered, Ben Evered, Dawn Feuerberg, Kathleen Yeung, Scott Kam and Noel Fie beautiful ocean friends for testing it out in the water!!
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#gratitude #slosurfrider #beachcleanup #riseaboveplastics#upcycledhandplane #trashart #sarahbellums #kaimanu#singleuseisoceanabuse #collaboration #functionalart #california #stoked#creatorsandinnovators